Learn how a Continuity of Operations Plan Creates a Roadmap to Meet Community Needs No Matter What
Session Slides (PPT)
Session Handouts (PDF’s)
Essential Functions
Identify Roles
Did you wish you could have had a roadmap for your library? A Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) plan can be that for you. While generally used for natural disasters they can also be implemented for anything that disrupts library.
In this session you will learn how a COOP can help not only with fires, pandemics, or cyber-attacks, but also in planning to provide uninterrupted services at any time. This will be an interactive session; participants will leave with a framework for providing services.
Julianne Rist is a library leader with a broad range of experience, passion and commitment to transforming communities, and a vision to keep libraries relevant in the 21st century. As Director of Public Services for Jefferson County she has piloted new services and redesigned four library buildings. She served as the pandemic chief for the library’s Covid19 pandemic response and was in charge of the gradual return for in person services.
Padma Polepeddi as the Assistant Director of Library Experience at Jefferson County Public Library, oversees offsite services such as the bookmobile and library locations. She is also responsible for strategies for services geared towards diversity and inclusion, serving children, families, teens, adults, seniors, and underserved populations. Padma has a doctorate degree from Emporia State University and her dissertation is on library hesitancy and information seeking behavior of English speaking immigrants using public libraries.
Lizzie Gall is an Assistant Director of Library Experience at Jefferson County Public Library where she oversees physical and digital customer touch points, materials handling, and daily operations for JCPL’s 10 locations. Prior to this role she led Youth Services at Grand Rapids Public Library in Michigan and worked in Collection Development and Adult and Reference Services. When she’s not at the library, Lizzie enjoys skiing, backpacking, and other outdoor adventures.