Getting Unstuck: The Secret Life of Procrastinators
Do you believe you work best under pressure? Do you avoid tasks and deliberately look for distractions? Are you late for appointments? Have a hard time completing projects? If you struggle with any of these you may be a procrastinator. Join this session to explore why we procrastinate and how we can stop.
- Mindtools Procrastination Quiz
- Procrastination Playbook (Word)
- Slides (PPT)
Facilitators: Jean Heilig and Christine Kreger
Jean has been with the Colorado State Library since 2005 and is currently the Fiscal Officer and LSTA Grant Coordinator. Previously, she was Senior Director of Jones e-global library at JonesKnowledge.com where she developed an online academic library. She also held the title of Library Director for Jones International University. She spent four years as a Public Services Librarian in the Helen Fowler Library at the Denver Botanic Gardens. She earned her MLIS from the University of Denver and her MBA from the University of Colorado Denver campus.
Christine Kreger is the Colorado State Library’s first full-time Professional Development Consultant, bringing over 25 years of training and continuing education experience to the table. Early on, she focused on face-to-face instruction, and group presentations, but recently has developed an appreciation for the power of interactive training, both in person and online.