Puff, Puff, Lend: Cannabis Culture and the Library
Got weed? Of course not. But many of your customers do…and they have questions. Where is the best dispensary? Are there any local resources that inform consumers about strains for consumption? What programs are being offered? What materials do you have on growing, cultivating or cooking marijuana and how did you choose them? Is there information on the legalization of marijuana and the nuances of the law?
Libraries across Colorado (and the US) find themselves at a distinct crossroads when it comes to legalized marijuana.
This interactive webinar will help answer questions about the role your library can play in this new wild, wild west.
Facilitators: Jennifer Hendzlik and Aaron Bock
Jennifer Hendzlik is a buyer with Anythink Libraries and sees herself as part fiction guru, part educator and part musician. She also teaches readers’ advisory at the University of Arizona and has presented for a variety of organizations including PLA, MLA, MALA and CAL. She received her MLS from Syracuse University.
Aaron Bock is a buyer with Anythink Libraries. He is a movie, game, and hiking enthusiast who also loves to get his trivia on. He has taught computer classes with the library and has presented with CAL and PLA. He received his MLIS from San Jose State University.