
Libraries play a critical role in providing access to high-speed internet to help their communities locate, evaluate, use, and create information.

Overview | Digital Literacy | Technology Planning | Technology Training for Staff


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Digital Literacy

According to the Colorado Broadband Office, Digital Equity is a state …

Category: Blog

Institute of Museum and Library Services Logo

The Institute of Museum and Library Services, the University of …

Category: Website

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The Colorado Broadband Office provides a great overview of broadband …

Category: Blog

Technology Planning

WebJunction Logo

This archived webinar details the importance of technology planning for …


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Technology Training for Staff

Online Tech Training for Staff: Proficiency with Technology

Learning objectives: Assess current level of technology knowledge, and use …

Category: Self-Paced Courses

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Colorado State Library Logo

Recommended proficiencies necessary to engage in the digital world Basic …

Category: Website

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Online Tech Training for Staff: Use a Technology Reference Interview

Learning objectives: Apply the reference interview to technology related questions, …

Category: Self-Paced Courses

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Online Tech Training for Staff: Find Answers

Learning objectives: Become familiar with effective technology resources and tutorials, …

Category: Self-Paced Courses

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Online Tech Training for Staff: Evaluating Information

Learning Objectives: Consider authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currency when critically …

Category: Self-Paced Courses

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Online Tech Training for Staff: Tech Training Tips

Learning objectives: Use effective training techniques when working with patrons, …

Category: Self-Paced Courses

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Online Tech Training for Staff: Dealing with Sticky Situations

Learning objectives: Use a three-step process for dealing with challenging …

Category: Self-Paced Courses

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Online Tech Training for Staff: How Adults Learn

Learning Objectives: Adjust training techniques to accommodate the specific needs …

Category: Self-Paced Courses

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Online Tech Training for Staff: Design a Class

Learning Objectives: Use effective class preparation techniques and promote active …

Category: Self-Paced Courses

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Colorado State Library Logo

Assisting patrons with technology is an increasingly common responsibility for …

Category: Website

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Denver Public Library Logo

The Denver Public Library offers links to their technology class …

Category: Website

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